Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Time and more...

Another holiday has crept up on us again!  I just love having a little kid when it comes to holiday's, it gives me a good excuse to decorate and have fun little parties!  Makenna is very excited for the Easter Bunny, even though she really has no idea who or what it is.  When we ask her if the Easter Bunny is coming to her house she says, "hop, hop, hop" and hops around the house.  I really did try to explain to her about the REAL meaning of Easter is but come on she is two and has NO idea.  We decided to have a few of her little friends over for a Easter party.  We made a cute little Easter Bunny Basket and of course colored eggs, played games and had lunch.  It was so fun... Makenna is quite the little hostess.  She loves to greet them at the door and help them take their shoes and jackets off.   The kids had a blast but it was so nice to sit and chat with the moms while the kids were off playing.  

These little baskets were SO easy to make and the kids loved them. 

Makenna is really into Lego building lately.  As soon as her dad comes home she gets them all out so they can build big castles.   She knows that mom is no good at it so she always waits for her dad to play.

UPDATE on the potty training:   Makenna is doing GREAT!   She loves to use the potty and most of all loves her "big girl" panties.  Isn't this picture of her SO stinkin cute where she is just wearing her boots and panties.... she loves to dance in them both!  We always tell her to "shake your booty"  probably not the best thing to teach your daughter but she looks so cute doing it.

I have an addiction... yes it is EASTER candy!! SO Easter needs to end so I don' have the temptation every time I go into a store!! LOL



Tiffany said...

Looks like you gals had a ton of fun....way to be a fun mom! I can't believe she is old enough to be wearing panties that is Crazy ! Thanks for the Easter ideas, it's always nice to hear a few new ones.

theadventursofsidandlinda said...

What a great mom and dad you are to your darling Makenna. Love Aunt Linda