Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day come and gone...

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!!  I wish mothers day lasted longer than 1 day... perhaps a week would be nice don't you think?

I had a great Mother's Day!!  We headed down to the Lake for the weekend to open everything up and get ready for the Summer-- YAY!!   Joel surprised me with a VERY thoughtful card and with a gift of A DAY AT THE SPA--- anything I want and when I want!!!   WHOOT WHOOOOO  can't wait!  Joel always seems to "Bust It Out" as he calls it every year. LOL

I just LOVE being a mom!!!   I never would have thought it would be this much work and SO much fun and rewarding!!    Yes, there are many days that I want to call it quits like when Makenna goes POO POO in her panties -- YUCK!   All it takes is a "sorry mommy" and I'm stuck in it for the long haul!!   I wouldn't trade being a mom for ANYTHING else in the whole world.   Each day I make it a goal to be the best darn mom I can be..... no matter what happens!!

Hope you all had a great Mother's Day--- can't wait till next year!

Makenna sure loves to be a "little mommy" herself.  She is always dressing up in her heals, purse and loading up her shopping cart full of her babies and anything she can find-- man this girl know how to shop! LOL   I think she has been watching me far too close! LOL

1 comment:

benandkristi said...

i have to tell you.... those pics you have of mackenna are sooo cute! i am so glad i found your blog!